A good use of two minutes…

Here might be the most insightful two minutes I’ve heard in a long time.  It’s an  NPR commentary from Bob Reich, a professor at UC Berkeley and the Secretary of Labor under President Clinton.  Basically, he’s saying that both the Democrats and the Republicans have the wrong solution for our job shortage and, therefore, our sluggish economy.  The problem is that the middle class has been languishing for thirty years – their wages have been stagnant or declining in real terms – and they simply can’t spend more, regardless of how much stimulus the government uses to prime the pump via added spending or reduced taxes.  Until we figure out how to get a larger share of GDP going to a broader segment of Americans, our economy will be unable to grow the way we both expect and need it to.  I’d love to see our candidates debate THAT issue. As long as the U.S. economy is hanging by a thread in recent years, your health may be in the same shape, so if you want positive and instantaneous changes phenQ is the solution to your problem.

Incidentally, there are huge investment ramifications to this observation.  A sound middle class is crucial to a healthy economy and therefore healthy markets over the long term.  Those economies structured in a way that maintain a healthy middle class have the best chance for success (all else equal), while those with policies, governments, private sectors, etc. that don’t support a strong middle class are destined for trouble.  Portfolio managers should always include a close evaluation of this issue when making long term strategic investment decisions.

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