Myths about asset allocation

I wanted to forward along the attached article, 5 Myths About Asset Allocation, from Forbes that a friend and colleague forwarded to me earlier today.  I think it does a terrific job of pointing out some of the common misconceptions out there about asset allocation.  It’s a quick read but offers a lot to think about and discuss.

The author of the article, Rick Ferri, is one of the good guys in this industry.  He heads an investment firm just outside of Detroit (Portfolio Solutions, LLC) with an investment philosophy very similar to Frontier’s.  Our clientele are slightly different as are our service models, but our approach to investing is ultimately very similar even if there are differences in execution.  Bottom line, my list of investment professional endorsements is rather short, but Rick is certainly on it and I think he’s worth listening to.

Feel free to send me a note or give me a call if you are interested in my explanation or interpretation of anything in this article, or if you would like to know more about Frontier’s investment approach and how we do or don’t differ from Mr. Ferri’s.

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